Yansong Feng

(In Chinese: 冯岩松 , how to pronounce)


55 Zhongguancun East Road

Haidian District

Beijing, China

Now I am a Phd student in Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS). I was previously educated in the Chern Class (Honor Class) at Nankai University, named after Shiing-Shen Chern, and obtained my bachelor’s degree in 2022.

My research interests lie broadly in cryptography and security, especially Lattice-based Cryptography and Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proof.

Here is my Resume.


Jul 6, 2024 Over the next year, I will be visiting the crypto group at Aarhus University and look forward to studying in Aarhus!
May 27, 2024 I will visit PolyU in HongKong this summer and work on ZKP.
Dec 4, 2023 I am attending Asiacrypt’23 in Guangzhou, China and the weather is very nice. :sunny:

Latest Posts

Feb 20, 2024 Useful Links
Dec 12, 2023 How to install G6K?


  1. comparsionPKEA.png
    Small Public Exponent Brings More: Improved Partial Key Exposure Attacks against RSA
    Yansong FengAbderrahmane Nitaj, and Yanbin Pan
  2. 👌: \mathcal{O}_K
    Pre-Processing on \\mathcal{O}_K Brings More: Solving γ-SVP in Order-Ideal Lattices
    Yihang Cheng, Yansong Feng, Hengyi Luo, and 1 more author
  3. copperajah.png
    New Results for Coppersmith’s Method from the Perspective of Sumsets Theory
    Yansong FengAbderrahmane Nitaj, and Yanbin Pan
  4. combee.png
    Solving Modular Linear Equations via Automated Coppersmith and its Applications
    Yansong FengAbderrahmane Nitaj, and Yanbin Pan
  5. Embedding
    Embedding Integer Lattices as Ideals into Polynomial Rings
    Yihang Cheng, Yansong Feng, and Yanbin Pan
    In International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation - 49th International Conference, 2024
  6. PPFE Attack
    Partial Prime Factor Exposure Attacks on Some RSA Variants
    Yansong FengAbderrahmane Nitaj, and Yanbin Pan
    Theoretical Computer Science, 2024
  7. GIFP
    Generalized Implicit Factorization Problem
    Yansong FengAbderrahmane Nitaj, and Yanbin Pan
    In Selected Areas in Cryptography - 30th International Conference, 2023
  8. Rangasamy
    On Rangasamy’s outsourcing algorithm for solving quadratic congruence equations
    Xiulan Li, Yansong Feng, and Yanbin Pan