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General Information

Full Name Yansong Feng
Date of Birth 9th June, 2001
Languages English, Chinese


  • Current
    Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China
    • Major: Applied Mathematics
    • GPA: 3.76/4
    • Courses: Cryptography, Error Correcting Code, Computational Algebraic Geometry, Computer Algebra
  • 2022
    Nankai University, Tianjin, China
    • Major: Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
    • GPA: 3.56/4
    • Courses: Differential Geometry, Differential Manifold, Representation Theory of Finite Groups, Dynamical System, Associative Algebra

Selected Open Source Projects

  • 2023
    • It's a webpage designed to provide many useful links related to cryptography.
  • 2024
    • A toolkit for identifying whether the input lattice is an ideal lattice or not.

Academic Interests

  • Cryptography
    • Lattice based Cryptography
    • Complexity proof
    • Provable security

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Guitar, Running, Swimming