
Hey there!

If you’re curious to learn more about me, here are some places you can explore:

  • Click here to see my cv in HTML version.

  • Check out my blog here for insights into my thoughts and experiences.

  • Explore my notes on various topics at MyNotes.

  • Access a curated collection of useful links at Useful-Link.

  • Take a peek at some memorable moments from conferences I’ve attended here.

And I have also given some talks, as listed below.

  1. Generalized Implicit Factorization Problem [slides]

    • [August 18, 2023] 30th Selected Areas in Cryptography, University of New Brunswick, Canada
    • [December 24, 2023] AI for Math 理论探索与工程应用研讨会, Institute of Automation, Chinese of Academy of Sciences, China

Feel free to click around and get to know me better through these different facets of my life!